How to configure walletconnect's project

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  • SDK Version(package.json): 7.3.2
  • Platform: ReactJS

I want to integrate walletconnect with web3auth… I need a project id to pass in walletconect adaptor.

can you guide me… how to setup a project at walletconnect… I am not able decide which type will suitable here …wallet or dapp



You may refer to the documentation below to understand how it works:

Wallet Connect V2 Adapter | Documentation | Web3Auth

They are hardcoded to illustrate as an example. The below parameters go into it:

Parameter type
namespace ChainNamespaceType, e.g. (eip155, solana)
chainIds number[] e.g. [1, 5, 56, etc.]
projectID WalletConnect Project ID, get one from

If you don’t have a projectId yet, head over to the WalletConnect Cloud to create a project and copy its unique project ID.

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