How to Customize the Login Loading Page

Hello. We connected the login through web3auth no-modal Custom Auth(Google, Facebook, Apple[Auth0]).

After applying, I tried to log in and was redirected to the following loading page.

Our domain is displayed on the page. Is there a way to prevent the key configuration domain from being displayed on the page? Or can the page be customized?

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: v6.1.1 (no-modal)

@bjkim Thanks for your recent post.

I have forwarded your question to our team and will get back to you with further updates soon.

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@bjkim Thanks for your patience.

You can replace the domain URL displayed by adding a name to your Dapp. This App name will then be displayed in the User Flow Screens instead of the domain URL. Please refer to the below documentation:

Can I remove this text?? “키 구성”

@bjkim Is that something you added in the Theme or logo? The parameters available in the documentation are the ones you can customize.

I added the code below.

whiteLabel: {
   name: 'MakeDrop',
   logoLight: '',
   theme: {
      primary: '#7e57c2',
      gray: '#6338b0',

I was wondering if I could delete the phrase “키 구성” I marked in red above.

I have forwarded your request to our team and get back with an update once more information becomes available.

Hi @bjkim! Upon checking, it’s not possible to remove it. This message shows up when user is logging in using a custom verifier.

It’s awkward that it’s not set in English, so I set it in English, but when I try to log in, it looks like ko and then changed to en.

I haven’t made any language-related settings from the beginning, but the defaultLanguage is set to Ko, not en. What setting does the default language setting relate to?

Issue Video ko → en

whiteLabel: {
   name: 'MakeDrop',
   logoLight: '',
   defaultLanguage: 'en', // added
   theme: {
      primary: '#7e57c2',
      gray: '#6338b0',

hi @bjkim! looks like the loading screen you are showing is from torus-wallet… can you send me the url of the loading screen?

for torus-wallet, the default language is set from browsers language settings… after getting the data from whitelabel it changes to the configured defaultLanguage…

Is this link?

No, I figured out the url . The cause of shifting from ko > en… is while processing the whitelabel data, the browsers default language is used.

Is the reason why you don’t like the korean text is because of the translation?

Yes… From the user’s point of view, the word “키 구성” seems awkward.
I wanted to show that something key configuration is in progress.

“키 구성” means key configuration.

Got it… can you suggest a better korean for “Constructing your key on Makedrop”? I can update our translation with it… :slight_smile:

Thank you for answer. :slight_smile:
We wanted to express that It was in progress. (ex. load → loading)

How about this?
key reconstructing: “키 재조합중” or “키 재구성중” (재 = re, 중 = ing)
key constructing: “키 조합중” or “키 구성중”

@bjkim thanks…
we’ll do {dappName} 키 구성중. so it will be MakeDrop 키 구성중 for your case

cc: @pepper

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