How to get a private key from redirect url in v7?

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  • SDK Version: 7.1.2
  • Platform: android (mobile web)

When using v5 OpenloginAdapter with uxMode as “redirect” then I got url like below https://app-redirecturl/#result=[base64strings].
So I could get private key from result hash data.

But when using v7 OpenloginAdapter I got url like below https://app-redirecturl/#sessionId=[sessionid]&sessionNamespace=

Is there an option in v7 to get the URL like in v5?
or how do I get private key using the sessionId?

@samuel Your request has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Hey @samuel
This is not the way we usually recommended users to get the private key, please have a look at our examples to request for a private key upon login. Linking it here.

I know that way as your link, but i have developed webview application by capacitor so I couldn’t connecting with innner webview, I want to know how connecting a webview application with redirected external web.
I’ve got a key in my app from redirected url on v5, so i want to know by same way on v7
or how to get a provider or key with using sessionId

@maharshi Is there any other way?

Hey @samuel,
We always strive towards the improvement of security and robusticity of the product. While we appreciate the work-around that you had devised but unfortunately, it’s best for the product and the users that private key is not accessible without authentication.
Clearing your doubts on the above, I would like to bring your attention to our Lookup API / Pre-generation API which will launch within a few weeks, which will allow you to pre-determine the wallet address without logging in. Will keep you posted once it’s launched.