How to get the maximum out of this Community Portal?

  1. Please search before posting your query.

  2. Watch out for our Announcements and Read the Getting Started threads.

  3. Two Major Help Categories are available based on Products and having SDKs as sub-categories.

  4. Creating a Topic - Click on either of these two highlighted buttons to create a Topic.

  5. Select a relevant Category from the dropdown. Optionally add relevant tags along with your query.

  6. To ensure proper sharing of code snippets, please utilize the provided wrapper.

           {all your code}

    Use typescript, javascript, kotlin, java, bash, swift based on the code you’re sharing.

  7. Are you subscribed to the Paid Plan, such as Growth or Scale?

    • As a member of the Growth or Scale groups, you will automatically be added to a new Group that will display a Flair image and title next to your name. This will ensure that you receive priority attention from the Web3Auth team.
    • Please remember to use the same email login method for both the community and the dashboard. If you signed up for the community before purchasing the plan, kindly log out and log in again after your purchase.

Thanks for this Shahbaz!