How to remove all social login & email login option from modal.Only keep external wallet option

When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:

  • SDK Version: 7.1.0
  • Platform: ReactJs
  • Browser Console Screenshots:
  • If the issue is related to Custom Authentication, please include the following information (optional):
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken (JWT):

Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.

@psaini.php Thanks for reaching out.

Please refer to the below code snippet to do this for Social Logins. Similarly, you can hide the other social logins by passing the objects in loginMethods for the modal:

import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WALLET_ADAPTERS } from "@web3auth/base";

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: { chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155 },
  clientId: "BPi5PB_UiIZ-cPz1GtV5i1I2iOSOHuimiXBI0e-Oe_u6X3oVAbCiAZOTEBtTXw4tsluTITPqA8zMsfxIKMjiqNQ",
  web3AuthNetwork: "sapphire_mainnet",

await web3auth.initModal({
  modalConfig: {
      label: "openlogin",
      loginMethods: {
        // Disable facebook and reddit
        facebook: {
          name: "facebook",
          showOnModal: false,
        reddit: {
          name: "reddit",
          showOnModal: false,

To disable Email or SMS login, here is the code snippet:

import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WALLET_ADAPTERS } from "@web3auth/base";

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: { chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155 },
  clientId: "BPi5PB_UiIZ-cPz1GtV5i1I2iOSOHuimiXBI0e-Oe_u6X3oVAbCiAZOTEBtTXw4tsluTITPqA8zMsfxIKMjiqNQ",
  web3AuthNetwork: "sapphire_mainnet",

await web3auth.initModal({
  modalConfig: {
      label: "openlogin",
      loginMethods: {
        // Disable email_passwordless and sms_passwordless
        email_passwordless: {
          name: "email_passwordless",
          showOnModal: false,
        sms_passwordless: {
          name: "sms_passwordless",
          showOnModal: false,

Hi @vjgee now its look like this

can we also remove torus wallet… I want to keep only walletconnect & metamask

@vjgee please help me on this as well

Can you share your Dapp URL so I can check ?

it is under development

what do you want to know?

How have you added the code to display the External wallet button? Can you share?

useEffect(() => {
const init = async () => {
try {
const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
chainConfig: flareConfig,
// uiConfig refers to the whitelabeling options, which is available only on Growth Plan and above
// Please remove this parameter if you’re on the Base Plan
uiConfig: {
appName: “W3A”,
theme: {
primary: “blue”,
mode: “light”,
logoLight: “”,
logoDark: “”,
defaultLanguage: “en”, // en, de, ja, ko, zh, es, fr, pt, nl
loginGridCol: 3,
primaryButton: “externalLogin”, // “externalLogin” | “socialLogin” | “emailLogin”

    const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
      loginSettings: {
        mfaLevel: "optional",
      adapterSettings: {
        uxMode: "redirect", // "redirect" | "popup"
        whiteLabel: {
          logoLight: "",
          logoDark: "",
          defaultLanguage: "en", // en, de, ja, ko, zh, es, fr, pt, nl
          mode: "dark", // whether to enable dark, light or auto mode. defaultValue: auto [ system theme]
        mfaSettings: {
          deviceShareFactor: {
            enable: true,
            priority: 1,
            mandatory: true,
          backUpShareFactor: {
            enable: true,
            priority: 2,
            mandatory: false,
          socialBackupFactor: {
            enable: true,
            priority: 3,
            mandatory: false,
          passwordFactor: {
            enable: true,
            priority: 4,
            mandatory: false,
    const torusPlugin = new TorusWalletConnectorPlugin({
      torusWalletOpts: {},
      walletInitOptions: {
        whiteLabel: {
          theme: { isDark: true, colors: { primary: "#00a8ff" } },
          logoDark: "",
          logoLight: "",
        useWalletConnect: true,
        enableLogging: true,
    await web3auth.addPlugin(torusPlugin);

    // read more about adapters here:

    // adding wallet connect v2 adapter
    const defaultWcSettings = await getWalletConnectV2Settings(
    const walletConnectV2Adapter = new WalletConnectV2Adapter({
      adapterSettings: { ...defaultWcSettings.adapterSettings },
      loginSettings: { ...defaultWcSettings.loginSettings },


    // adding metamask adapter
    const metamaskAdapter = new MetamaskAdapter({
      sessionTime: 3600, // 1 hour in seconds
      chainConfig: flareConfig,
    // we can change the above settings using this function
      sessionTime: 86400, // 1 day in seconds
      chainConfig: flareConfig,

    // it will add/update  the metamask adapter in to web3auth class

    const torusWalletAdapter = new TorusWalletAdapter({

    // it will add/update  the torus-evm adapter in to web3auth class


    await web3auth.initModal({
      modalConfig: {
          label: "openlogin",
          loginMethods: {
            // Disable facebook and reddit
            facebook: {
              name: "facebook",
              showOnModal: false,
            reddit: {
              name: "reddit",
              showOnModal: false,
            google: {
              name: "google",
              showOnModal: false,
            discord: {
              name: "discord",
              showOnModal: false,
            twitch: {
              name: "twitch",
              showOnModal: false,
            apple: {
              name: "apple",
              showOnModal: false,
            line: {
              name: "line",
              showOnModal: false,
            github: {
              name: "github",
              showOnModal: false,
            kakao: {
              name: "kakao",
              showOnModal: false,
            linkedin: {
              name: "linkedin",
              showOnModal: false,
            twitter: {
              name: "twitter",
              showOnModal: false,
            weibo: {
              name: "weibo",
              showOnModal: false,
            wechat: {
              name: "wechat",
              showOnModal: false,

            sms_passwordless: {
              name: "sms_passwordless",
              showOnModal: false,

    if (web3auth.connected) {
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("wallet--init--catch", error);


}, []);

Try adding the following snippet after the above block in the modal config:

      label: "torus_evm",
      showOnModal: false,

it’s not working.

              label: "torus_evm",
              showOnModal: false,

Could you refer to the below snippet and check:

 await web3auth.initModal({
      modalConfig: {
          label: "openlogin",
          loginMethods: {
            // Disable facebook and reddit
            facebook: {
              name: "facebook",
              showOnModal: false,
            reddit: {
              name: "reddit",
              showOnModal: false,
            google: {
              name: "google",
              showOnModal: false,
            discord: {
              name: "discord",
              showOnModal: false,
            twitch: {
              name: "twitch",
              showOnModal: false,
            apple: {
              name: "apple",
              showOnModal: false,
            line: {
              name: "line",
              showOnModal: false,
            github: {
              name: "github",
              showOnModal: false,
            kakao: {
              name: "kakao",
              showOnModal: false,
            linkedin: {
              name: "linkedin",
              showOnModal: false,
            twitter: {
              name: "twitter",
              showOnModal: false,
            weibo: {
              name: "weibo",
              showOnModal: false,
            wechat: {
              name: "wechat",
              showOnModal: false,

            sms_passwordless: {
              name: "sms_passwordless",
              showOnModal: false,
        }, //Disable Torus Plugin 
        label: 'TORUS_EVM',
        showOnModal: false,

thanks it works… also want to know how wallet connect works in web3auth…

why these hard coded value passed to wellectconnect adaptor

    const defaultWcSettings = await getWalletConnectV2Settings(
    const walletConnectV2Adapter = new WalletConnectV2Adapter({
      adapterSettings: { ...defaultWcSettings.adapterSettings },
      loginSettings: { ...defaultWcSettings.loginSettings },

You may refer to the documentation below to understand how it works:

They are hardcoded to illustrate as an example. The below parameters go into it:

Parameter type
namespace ChainNamespaceType, e.g. (eip155, solana)
chainIds number[] e.g. [1, 5, 56, etc.]
projectID WalletConnect Project ID, get one from

Click here to learn more about setting up projectID

Supported chain list

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