How to start build demo app

I would like to create an application like this demo (1), but I don’t know how to start. Is there a GitHub, document, etc. that can be used as a template?
Also, this documentation (2) does not tell me which file to write the code in. What should I do?

(1) :
(2) : Integration Builder | Web3Auth

@yusukemh762 Welcome Onboard!

If you are looking to implement MPC Corekit SDK, you can refer to our detailed guide:

@yusukemh762 Click this link for the example for NextJS No-modal SDK

Let me know if you need any more information.

Can we add other login methods here, like google and facebook?
Also, where can I refer to the UI like the demo I mentioned earlier?

Yes, you can. Have a look here

@yusukemh762 You can click here to view the example

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