How to use MFA factor passkeys and authenticator

Hello everyone.
I am an engineer from Japan.
Your knowledge always helps me.

I have tried to set passkeysFactor, authenticatorFactor as MFA elements, but it does not work well.
I can set other elements but these two don’t progress and stop on the screen.

What kind of MFA elements are these two?
Also, is anyone working with noModalSDK?

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
  loginSettings: {
    mfaLevel: "mandatory",
  adapterSettings: {
    uxMode: "popup",
    loginConfig: {
      jwt: {
        verifier: verifier,
        typeOfLogin: "jwt",
        clientId: clientId,
    mfaSettings: {
      deviceShareFactor: {
        enable: true,
        priority: 1,
        mandatory: true,
      backUpShareFactor: {
        enable: true,
        priority: 2,
        mandatory: true,
      socialBackupFactor: {
        enable: true,
        priority: 3,
        mandatory: true,
      passwordFactor: {
        enable: true,
        priority: 4,
        mandatory: true,
      passkeysFactor: {
        enable: true,
        priority: 5,
        mandatory: true,
      authenticatorFactor: {
        enable: true,
        priority: 6,
        mandatory: true,

Thanks for all of your help!

Hey @tanaka,

Welcome to the community! It seems there might be a bit of confusion regarding the options available in the Web No Modal SDK. At this moment, the factors you mentioned haven’t been introduced in our SDK. The current options available, as defined in our types, are as follows:

export declare const MFA_FACTOR: {
    readonly DEVICE: "deviceShareFactor";
    readonly BACKUP_SHARE: "backUpShareFactor";
    readonly SOCIAL_BACKUP: "socialBackupFactor";
    readonly PASSWORD: "passwordFactor";

Please review these options, and if you have any questions or need further clarification on how to utilize them, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re here to help guide you through any aspect of our SDK.

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