How to use share other than secret question?

Dear team, I am an engineer from Japan.

How can I use other than secret questions as recovery elements in mpc-core-kit?
The only helper provided is the secret question.
However, in @web3auth/mpc-core-kit/dist/types/constants.d.ts, PasswordShare, SocialShare are present in the FilterKeyTypeShareDescription.
I want to use multiple recovery elements, like no-modal-sdk!
How do I specify EnableMFAParams as an argument to enableMFA()?

  • SDK Version: v1.1.0
export declare enum FactorKeyTypeShareDescription {
    HashedShare = "hashedShare",
    SecurityQuestions = "tssSecurityQuestions",
    DeviceShare = "deviceShare",
    SeedPhrase = "seedPhrase",
    PasswordShare = "passwordShare",
    SocialShare = "socialShare",
    Other = "Other"

Please, any advice would be appreciated.

Translated with (free version)

  1. we can create a share and convert it to mnemonic
    general way is to display and ask user to save it, or send it a backup email for future use
    reference: mpc-core-kit/demo/redirect-flow-example/src/App.tsx at 4fb02e18705b9379c37fca3841c6c2fc0d9690d2 · Web3Auth/mpc-core-kit · GitHub

2.Device Share you can use and store it in client browser

if still have any more doubt please schedule a call to discuss more


Am I correct in assuming that the ability to send backup phrases to email is not something that is provided in web3auth, but is implemented by the dApp developer?

yes and no
in plug and play it is supported
for core kit dapps has to handle the email part

please refer the differnece here
Choosing the Correct Web3Auth Product | Documentation | Web3Auth


I understand that it is prepared by pnp!
Thanks for the advice, it helped a lot👍

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