How to verify token in the backend?

I would like to verify my own issued JWT token and create a signer in the backend, not front-end (browser). So without any “uxMode:Modal|Popup” parameter. It should instead be some kind of API call to Web3Auth that verifies the JWT token, and creates a wallet address…

What setting should I use for the uxMode? Or is there some other product (API or core SDK) that I can use to achieve that?

hi @silver,

Please check our examples for custom authentication:

contact us again if you have any question in the process

This is custom authentication but happening on the client side if I’m not mistaken. The user will be redirected to web3auth website and back and its happening on React.

But I was talking about server to server authentication. Suppose I want to give my server a wallet without it handling private keys. I want to use Web3Auth signer in the backend to sign transactions on behalf of the server. Not client side, in the web browser. In my example there is no web browser and no user. What is the Web3Auth API I can use for this purpose?


Ok. please check this example:

you need to use this library: @web3auth/node-sdk

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