I can't understand why am getting: ProviderError:Provider does not have a request or send method to use

Problem: Provider does not have a request or send method to use.

  • SDK Version: 6.1.4
  • Platform: Windows 11
  • Framework: Next.js (No app directory)
  • Web3 Library: Web3.js
  • Browser Console Screenshots:

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES } from "@web3auth/base";
import RPC from "./web3RPC";
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";
import { OpenloginAdapter } from "@web3auth/openlogin-adapter";

const Auth = () => {
    const [error, setError] = useState('');
    const [address, setAddress] = useState(null);
    const [web3auth, setWeb3auth] = useState(null);
    const [provider, setProvider] = useState(null);
    //const walletButton = document.getElementById('walletButton')
    const clientId = "";


    useEffect(() => {
        const init = async () => {
            try {
                const chainConfig = {
                    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
                    chainId: "0x13881",
                    rpcTarget: "https://polygon-mumbai.infura.io/v3/", // This is the public RPC we have added, please pass on your own endpoint while creating an app
                const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
                    web3AuthNetwork: "testnet", // mainnet, aqua,  cyan or testnet
                await web3auth.initModal();
            } catch (err) {
    }, []);

    const getUserInfo = async () => {
        if (!web3auth) {
            console.log("web3auth not initialized yet");
        const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();

    const getAccounts = async () => {
        if (!provider) {
            console.log("provider not initialized yet");
        const rpc =  new RPC(provider);
        const address = await rpc.getAccounts();

    const connectWalletHandler = async () => {
        if(!web3auth) {
            console.log("Web3Auth not initialized");
        const web3authProvider = await web3auth.connect();
        await getUserInfo();
        await getAccounts();

    return (
            whileHover={{ scale: 1.1 }}
            whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }}
            className="bg-cblue hover:bg-gold font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded-lg"

export default Auth;

So am getting the error “ProviderError: Provider does not have a request or send method to use” while trying to get a wallet address from the account. These is a code that simply connects with web3auth and should return an account so i can interact with the blockchain. Am coding in Js not Ts so am not sure if this could be the problem i have modified the provided exemple in the doc to make it a js file (web3RPC.js):

import { SafeEventEmitterProvider } from '@web3auth/base';
import Web3 from 'web3';

export default class EthereumRpc {
    constructor(provider) {
        this.provider = provider;

    async getChainId() {
        try {
            const web3 = new Web3(this.provider);

            // Get the connected Chain's ID
            const chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId();

            return chainId.toString();
        } catch (error) {
            return error;

    async getAccounts() {
        try {
            const web3 = new Web3(this.provider);

            // Get user's Ethereum public address
            const address = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];

            return address;
        } catch (error) {
            return error;

    async getBalance() {
        try {
            const web3 = new Web3(this.provider);

            // Get user's Ethereum public address
            const address = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];

            // Get user's balance in ether
            const balance = web3.utils.fromWei(
                await web3.eth.getBalance(address) // Balance is in wei

            return balance;
        } catch (error) {
            return error;

    async sendTransaction() {
        try {
            const web3 = new Web3(this.provider);

            // Get user's Ethereum public address
            const fromAddress = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];

            const destination = fromAddress;

            const amount = web3.utils.toWei('0.01'); // Convert 1 ether to wei

            // Submit transaction to the blockchain and wait for it to be mined
            const receipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
                from: fromAddress,
                to: destination,
                value: amount,
                maxPriorityFeePerGas: '5000000000', // Max priority fee per gas
                maxFeePerGas: '6000000000000', // Max fee per gas

            return receipt;
        } catch (error) {
            return error;

    async signMessage() {
        try {
            const web3 = new Web3(this.provider);

            // Get user's Ethereum public address
            const fromAddress = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];

            const originalMessage = 'YOUR_MESSAGE';

            // Sign the message
            const signedMessage = await web3.eth.personal.sign(
                'test password!' // configure your own password here.

            return signedMessage;
        } catch (error) {
            return error;

    async getPrivateKey() {
        try {
            const privateKey = await this.provider.request({
                method: 'eth_private_key',

            return privateKey;
        } catch (error) {
            return error;

I hope some one could help me with these :slight_smile:

Hey @lucasch2011, I have seen this error before, could you please check if the web3.js module is v1.8.0 and not v4?


It seems tha my web3.js version is 4.0.2


"dependencies": {
    "@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.9.2",
    "@truffle/hdwallet-provider": "^2.1.12",
    "@web3auth/ethereum-provider": "^6.1.4",
    "@web3auth/modal": "^6.1.4",
    "@web3auth/openlogin-adapter": "^6.1.4",
    "autoprefixer": "10.4.14",
    "dotenv": "^16.3.1",
    "eslint": "8.44.0",
    "eslint-config-next": "13.4.8",
    "framer-motion": "^10.12.18",
    "next": "13.4.8",
    "postcss": "8.4.24",
    "react": "18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "18.2.0",
    "tailwindcss": "3.3.2",
    "truffle": "^5.10.2",
    "truffle-plugin-verify": "^0.5.32",
    "web3": "^4.0.2"

I will try to downgrade it

By downgrading web3js i was capable of making it work, tks a lot! Lastly, for my personal understanding, why it was happening? I know that it will probably be a version compatibility, but what is the newest version of web3js that i could use?

@lucasch2011 Web3.js v4 has some breaking changes. We’ll be updating the examples soon. It’s next on our list. I have seen examples work well with v1.8. So any version equal or below that is safe. Although, I’ll keep you posted on this thread once I update the examples.

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Did you downgrade it to 1.8?

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Yes, please downgrade it to 1.8 and it’ll work fine. @zkPlaty

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I was facing the same issue, nearly drove me crazy. Thanks!


Aaaand back to the same issue.

Now wallet connects, but can’t get user balance or wallet address. Did you also face same issue?

UPDATE: My bad. I was assigning RPC to already assigned RPC provider