I want to have passwordless authentication in web-no-model-sdk (my custom ux) it must work like from the example of web-model-sdk

  • SDK Version: latest
  • Platform: web

Here is the screenshot flow of web-model-sdk example.

But i will be implementing my own UI. So my requirement is:

  • The passwordless authentication only with email. (Thats it!)
  • This whole process should happen in the same window where user is opening the site,(Obviously user can open an email tab to copy the OPT) but the interface to put the opt should in same page.

Please can anyone help me on this ?

For the above exact interface i was opening this project from github. web3auth-pnp-examples/web-modal-sdk/wagmi-examples/wagmi-modal-example at main · Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples · GitHub

Was that above passwordless in web-model-sdk done with Auth0?

Can i do that without auth0 just by paying only you guys web3auth? I am avoiding to pay for too many services to make this thing happen. What are the options or solutions i have got?

@junkmail9869 Welcome Aboard!

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Hey @junkmail9869

Please take a look at this code snippet:

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