Important Update: Deprecation of Older Web3Auth PnP SDK Versions

Hey devs!

We’ve got some important news about our Web3Auth Plug and Play (PnP) SDKs. We’ve been working hard to improve our SDKs across all platforms, and now it’s time to sunset some older versions.


  • Older versions of Web3Auth PnP SDKs will be deprecated on 31st July, 2024.
  • Update your SDKs to the latest versions to avoid service disruptions.
  • We’ve prepared migration guides and updated SDK references to help you.

What’s Changing?

As of August 1, 2024, we’re deprecating these PnP SDK versions:

Platform Versions to be Deprecated
Web PnP < v7.0.0
React Native PnP < v6.0.0
Android PnP < v5.3.0
iOS PnP < v7.4.0
Flutter PnP < v3.1.0
Unity PnP < v2.1.0
Unreal PnP < v4.0.0

Why Update?

We get it - updates can be a hassle. But trust us, these upgrades are worth it:

  • :shield: Enhanced security features
  • :rocket: Improved performance
  • :gift: New functionality to supercharge your apps

What You Need to Do

  1. Check your SDK versions in your projects.
  2. Update to the latest versions before August 1, 2024.
  3. Use our migration guides for a smooth transition.

Resources to Help You

Need Help?

We’re here to support you through this transition. If you hit any snags or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Keep building awesome things! :rocket: