Important Update: Transition and Support for Sepolia and Polygon Amoy Testnets

Dear Developers,

As the Ethereum ecosystem evolves, it’s crucial for us at Web3Auth to ensure that your development experience remains seamless and productive. We are writing to update you on the deprecation of the Goerli-based testnets and the ongoing transition to the Sepolia testnets. We also want to announce the integration and support for Polygon Amoy testnet in our latest SDK update.

Deprecation Notice:
Please note the scheduled deprecation of the following Goerli testnets:

  • Feb 16: Base Goerli
  • Mar 7: Optimism Goerli
  • Mar 18: Arbitrum Goerli
  • Apr 1: Ethereum Goerli
  • Apr 6: Polygon zkEVM Goerli
  • Apr 11: Starknet Goerli
  • Apr 13: Polygon Mumbai

Note: With the RPC URLs for these networks being decommissioned, you may encounter JSONRpcProvider errors if you continue using outdated configurations.

Web3Auth Updates:
To facilitate a smooth transition, we have updated our SDKs to support the following testnets actively:

Sepolia Testnet Configuration:
Our latest SDK version supports the Sepolia testnet with the following chainConfig:

  "chainNamespace": "CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155",
  "chainId": "0xaa36a7",
  "rpcTarget": "",
  "displayName": "Sepolia Testnet",
  "blockExplorerUrl": "",
  "ticker": "ETH",
  "tickerName": "Ethereum Sepolia",
  "logo": ""

This configuration ensures you are connected to the correct network with updated endpoints.

Support for Polygon Amoy Testnet:
We are excited to announce that starting with Web3auth Web v8.2.0, we now support the Polygon Amoy testnet. This addition expands our support for Ethereum-compatible networks and offers more options for your testing and development needs.

Why Transition to Sepolia and Support for Polygon Amoy?
These testnets provide enhanced scalability and reduced gas costs, offering a robust environment for developing and testing your applications. The transition to Sepolia and the inclusion of Polygon Amoy ensure that your projects remain on the cutting edge of blockchain technology capabilities.

Action Required:

  1. Update your applications to utilize the latest Web3Auth SDK versions.
  2. Transition from Goerli-based RPC URLs to Sepolia for continued reliability.
  3. Take advantage of the new support for Polygon Amoy by updating your testnet configurations accordingly.

We understand that these changes might require adjustments on your part, and we appreciate your cooperation as we continue to support the growth and stability of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to our support team or engage with our community on our channels.

Best regards,
The Web3Auth Team :rocket: