Initialize tKey Fails on Android Chrome Browser | "CoreError","code":1103,"message":"setMetadata errored

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<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  • Platform: Web
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      -Client Id:
      final postBoxKey = await web3authTsKey.getPostBoxKey();
      await web3authTsKey.initializeTsKey(postBoxKey); //fails here

It fails on this device during the first call to initializeKey. It works well on chrome desktop, safari desktop & iOS but fails on this Android chrome browser.
Do note that this is a new user without any shares and the user is creating or initializing tKey for the first time. Also it appears this behaviour is device specific because we were unable to reproduce this on an iOS or desktop chrome device.

To reproduce call the initialize key function on an Android chrome browser. We got the following error:

{"name":"CoreError","code":1103,"message":"setMetadata errored {\"error\":{\"index\":0,\"timestamp\":\"Message has been signed more than 90s ago\"},\"success\":false}"}

We tried this using an embedded webview and native chrome browser running on an Android device:

Chrome 121.0.6167.164
Android 13; SM-A325F Build/TP1A.220624.014

I just noticed another similar issue here [Error tkey-redirect-flow-example]

@onye Thanks for reaching out.

I will report your issue to our Dev team and we will get back with updates.

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Thanks for sharing this. We’d like to ensure everything works well without issues before committing to Enterprise. Do let us know when you receive feedback from the dev team. Hopefully, soon :sweat_smile:

Any feedback from the dev team?

We are in the process of testing the flow and will get back when there is a meaningful update to share.

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Can you share an update on this?

There is no update to share yet, Our team will reply when there is a meaningful update to share.