Introducing Web3Auth Plug And Play Web v8 🚀

Hello Web3Auth Developers,

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Web3Auth Plug And Play Web v8! This latest version brings significant updates, improvements, and some key changes that are designed to streamline your development process further. As with previous releases, please note that there are breaking changes, so consulting the migration guide is essential for a smooth upgrade.

What’s Exciting in Web3Auth Plug And Play Web v8?

  • Enhanced Adapter Management: We’ve introduced a more efficient way to manage adapters with getDefaultExternalAdapters, significantly reducing the SDK package size and boosting performance. This change allows you to select only the adapters you need, minimizing the unnecessary bloat from unneeded adapters. For example, Dapp developers focusing on EVM chains can now exclude Solana chain adapters, optimizing their application’s footprint.

  • Updated CustomChainConfig and Web3AuthOptions: The CustomChainConfig has been updated to require a logo parameter and has introduced isTestnet to specify network types. Moreover, the Web3AuthOptions interface now includes a privateKeyProvider, making chainConfig optional. These adjustments enhance flexibility and integration with various blockchain ecosystems.

  • Streamlined Whitelabeling and Configuration: The process for whitelabeling and configuration has been simplified, allowing for a smoother setup experience. Now, whitelabel settings can be conveniently passed through the uiConfig parameter.

  • Improved SDK Performance: By allowing developers to choose the specific adapters they need, we’ve managed to decrease the overall size of the SDKs, leading to faster load times and improved performance for your Dapps.

Migration Guides and Resources:
For a detailed walkthrough of the changes and to ensure a seamless transition, please refer to our comprehensive migration guides:

Transitioning from Torus EVM Wallet Plugin to Wallet Services Plugin

Important Update: Torus EVM Wallet Plugin Deprecation

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the Web3Auth ecosystem with more robust and feature-rich solutions, we are phasing out the Torus EVM Wallet Plugin. We recommend transitioning to the newer, more advanced Wallet Services Plugin.

Introducing the Wallet Services Plugin

The Wallet Services Plugin is Web3Auth’s latest innovation, packed with new features and designed to deliver the best of what Web3Auth has to offer. This plugin supports the latest version of WalletConnect, among other cutting-edge functionalities, ensuring your Dapp stays ahead in the rapidly evolving Web3 space.

Why Make the Switch?

  • Enhanced Features: Enjoy access to a broader range of functionalities and improvements that streamline your development process and user experience.
  • Future-Proofing: Staying updated with the latest offerings from Web3Auth ensures compatibility with new blockchain technologies and standards.
  • Security: Continuing to use deprecated and unsupported packages can expose your application to security vulnerabilities. The Wallet Services Plugin benefits from ongoing updates, patches, and security enhancements.

Planning Your Transition

We understand that migrating to a new plugin can require effort and planning. Therefore, we encourage all developers currently utilizing the Torus EVM Wallet Plugin to start planning their transition to the Wallet Services Plugin as soon as possible. This move is crucial not only for gaining access to the latest features but also for maintaining the security and integrity of your Dapp.

Risks of Using Deprecated Packages

Using packages that are deprecated and no longer maintained can lead to several risks:

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Without regular updates and patches, deprecated packages can become susceptible to security exploits.
  • Compatibility Issues: As the Web3 ecosystem evolves, older packages may not work well with new technologies and standards, leading to integration challenges.
  • Limited Support: The lack of active maintenance means that you won’t receive help or fixes for any issues that may arise.

We’re here to support you through this transition. Your security and success are our top priorities, and we’re committed to providing the tools and support needed to make this transition smooth.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to improve and update the Web3Auth ecosystem.

Community Support and Engagement:
Your feedback and engagement are invaluable to us. We encourage you to participate in our bi-weekly community calls for immediate support, best practices, architectural guidance, and sneak peeks into upcoming features. These calls are a fantastic opportunity to interact directly with our engineering team and the wider Web3Auth community.

For questions or support outside of these calls, the Web3Auth Developer Community Portal remains your go-to resource for assistance and information exchange.

We can’t wait to see what you build with Web3Auth Plug And Play Web v8. Happy coding, and here’s to crafting incredible projects together! :rocket:

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