"Invalid link, valid link should contain tempPubKey" error shown without changing code

Hi there,

We've been developing our web application with Web3Auth for a while.
We use Web3Auth Email authentication feature for signing up/creating wallet for our application.

It's been working without major problems, but about from last week,
we suddenly get error shown on the window which opens when user click the verification link on email.
The error says "Invalid link, valid link should contain tempPubKey" (*Image attached),
but we have no idea why this starts happening because we didn't change our source code of our application.

This error happens irregularly as well,
so it's very hard for us to reproduce this error to identify what the cause is.

Could you please helps us solving this problem?


image001 (1)

Originally posted by: ickw

Check the discussion at: https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/1236