"Invalid login - something went wrong"

Hey vjgee. Same problem. I launched the site in development mode (localhost) - “Invalid login”. I launched the same site, the same browser, the same extensions into production - no errors. Localhost in incognito mode without errors.

@kulikovroman746 Please create a new thread if you are facing the issue on your Dapp.

hey, our dev got the issue also on incognito.

@idob Thanks for sharing the logs.

I have forwarded this to our Dev team and will get back as soon as there is an update.

There are a lot of issues lately that are taking a lot of time to take care of.

We are using your services for onboarding web2 users to our game and we should get a full service that works all the time.

Please fix the current issue and this one:

I’m available also on Telegrarm @rl1982 and you can contact me.
Your service is great when it works, fix the issues please!

Forward this message to your managers

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Please share your web3auth initialisation snippet along with the chainConfig. Also, the login part (init or initModal, depending on what SDK you use). @idob

Hi @maharshi ,
According to the response from /v3/auth/passwordless/start I’ve found that we missed theme object in the initialization so I’ve added it and now it seems to work.
Please check the other ticket with infinite loading that we mentioned.


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@roman1 that’s great, and thanks, for letting us know.

Hi @roman1
Still having wallet connect issue after upgrading version to v7.0.4?

Hello, the wallet connect infinite loading issue should be fixed in v7.0.4
we have multiple clients who confirmed the fix from wallet connect team works.

Hey @idob,
Let me know if your issue is resolved.

yesterday we already had the 7.0.4 version and its still not working.
after a couple of tries to connect with the “Wallet Connect” method - you get the infinite loader.
also, deleting cach \ data \ cookies doesnt fix it.
and then it doesnt work for a couple of good minutesץ
in this scenario i tried logging 3 times, then i refreshed the page and got the loader in the next connection.

any updates about this issue? its still occuring

Hey @idob, could you please share the web3auth initialisation snippet and the config you pass for walletconnect?

@web3auth/base”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/wallet-connect-v2-adapter”: “^7.0.4”,

new Web3Auth({

            clientId, // Get your Client ID from Web3Js Dashboard
            web3AuthNetwork: "testnet",
            storageKey: "local",
            uiConfig: {
                appLogo: logoPetit,
                theme: "dark",
                loginMethodsOrder: ['google', 'facebook', 'apple', 'linkedin']
            chainConfig: {
                chainNamespace: "eip155",
                chainId: chainId, // hex of 137, polygon mainnet
                rpcTarget: APP.state.get('eth_ws_web3auth'),
                // Avoid using public rpcTarget in production.
                // Use services like Infura, Quicknode etc
                //displayName: displayName,
                //blockExplorer: blockExplorer,
                //ticker: ticker,
                //tickerName: tickerName,

new OpenloginAdapter({
loginSettings: {
mfaLevel: “none”, // Pass on the mfa level of your choice: default, optional, mandatory, none
adapterSettings: {
uxMode: browserName.toLowerCase().includes(‘safari’) ? ‘redirect’ : ‘popup’,
redirectUrl: window.location.origin + ‘/trade’,
whiteLabel: {
name: “Playnance”,
//logoLight: logo,
//logoDark: logo,
defaultLanguage: “en”,
dark: false, // whether to enable dark mode. defaultValue: false

new TorusWalletConnectorPlugin({
torusWalletOpts: {

            walletInitOptions: {
                buildEnv: "polygon",
                showTorusButton: true,
                whiteLabel: {
                    theme: { isDark: true, colors: { primary: "#123653", background: "#123653", torusBrand1: "#000000" }, },

                    logoDark: logoLight,
                    logoLight: logoLight,
                    featuredBillboardHide: true,
                    disclaimerHide: true,
                    useWalletConnect: false,
                    enableLogging: false

Is there any specific reason you have marked useWalletConnect as false ? Try switching it on and verify.

@maharshi , @pepper , @chai
I don’t see how this setting is related.
According to your docs useWalletConnect is for displaying wallet connect QR.

So how this is connected to our complaint?

Please check your logs and let’s solve it.

This is the error sometimes our users see:

Please assist.

Can we have an answer please??


I would like to be contacted by one of you on Telegram: @rl1982.

Where is your support?