Iotex testnet compatible

…I’m glad I discovered this incredible authentication and wallet tool…I would love to use it and share it with the iotex / w3bstream community. It will be the combination of great technologies and will be widely used in the not too distant future

…is there a way to make the torus wallet compatible with iotex testnet?

@iotbrlabs Welcome Aboard!

Yes, Iotex Testnet is comptabile with Torus wallet as it is a part of EVM powered networks.

You can add a custom chain configuration with Web3Auth Modal SDK or if you wish to use the TorusEVM Wallet Adapter:


const web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal({
  clientId: "", // Get your Client ID from the Web3Auth Dashboard
  chainConfig: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: "0x1252",
    displayName: "Iotex Testnet",
    blockExplorer: "",
    ticker: "IOTX",
    tickerName: "Iotex",
    rpcTarget: "", // RPC URL for iotex
  web3AuthNetwork: "sapphire_mainnet", 

…I can’t use the transfer option or the activities tab, even though the network is configured correctly…could you check?

…and thanks for the quick feedback and support

…I’ll wait then

Are you adding to or have you done an integration with your Dapp? Please provide more context.

…I’ve already tested it on both…but it didn’t work…

…in the dapp I am using the wagmi-conector and nextjs13 example…


Can you share the RPC details you have added in Torus Wallet?

…notice that it doesn’t let you item select option…

…and the transactions don’t appear either…

…and this mistakes show

… and in the click redirect to:

…thanks a lot

Thanks for your reply.

The swap function does not work on any network. The topup function as well is not compatible with Iotex Testnet as you need to get some from Testnet Tokens - IoTeX Developer Documentation

We will look into the Ui issue of not being able to select the token in the Transfer tab and get back with an update.

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…don’t forget the transactions tab…please

@vjgee …I really need this…please help…thanks

@iotbrlabs Please be patient as our team are working on this. As soon as I have an update, I will let you know.

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@vjgee there should be a fix for this ready to be released soon

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…I’m here waiting…thank you for your attention and effort

success to all…

This issue has now been resolved.