Is it possible for a user to export their private key in the new MPC Core Kit?

This is a question specifically regarding the new package @web3auth/mpc-core-kit. I understand that using TSS MPC, the user’s full private key is never assembled in the process of signing a transaction (or signing anything, really). That said, is it possible to allow a user to export their private key and self-custody it? I picked through the package and didn’t find anything about assembling/exporting the full private key.


I’m very interested in this, too. Assuming web3auth goes down some time in the future, how could users with several key shares recover their private key / set up infrastructure to sign transactions with mpc?

This is a critical question, and one that should be simple to answer: doe web3auth’s MPC implementation provide a mechanism to exit the platform via export of the full private key?

Our team are looking into this and we will get back with further updates once more information is available.