Is it possible to migrate users from tkey JS SDK to tkey MPC SDK?


We’re currently implementing Web3Auth tkey JS SDK in our dApp to onboard users. However, with this SDK, Web3Auth stated that it has some risks with the reconstructed key in the FE. Therefore, Web3Auth has developed MPC architecture, priKey now is never reconstructed.

We’re interested in this architecture and would like to use it in the future when it is fully developed. But our concerns are:

  1. Is it possible to migrate users from tkey JS SDK to tkey MPC SDK? Since our present implementation is JS SDK
  2. If #1 is possible, then would our users be able to keep their current Wallet (pub - priKey)? Or, migrating from JS SDK to MPC SDK would result in changing the users’ wallets - meaning that we will lose entire JS SDK wallets because of it?
  3. If #2 negative screen happens, does Web3Auth have any plan to support companies like us? E.g: migrating options

Thank you in advance.

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@nhitran Thanks for your patience.

Your request has been submitted to our team. We will get back with further updates once more information becomes available.