Issue of generating Different addresses on same client id

Hello , i want to share my query here regarding web3Auth login with modal SDK and no Modal SDK

Scenerio :

-First i created a clientId from my dashboard and used to login with web3Auth for email login only with modal SDK where web3Auth show email modal user enters its email
like i loged in with one email and its loged in and the address generated from it is 0xde8c88dc8e488cafc7c10bb088ba56998c78f7bd

  • Now coming to the second scenerio i created the aggregate verifiers with the name ppp-social-login-5 and further created the subverifiers in the aggregated verifier with the name ppp-facebook-login, ppp-google-login and ppp-paswordless-login and now when i integrated and tried to run the code it worked fine connection is established and logged in but in case of address generation it created me a new address like previous was this 0xde8c88dc8e488cafc7c10bb088ba56998c78f7bd and new is this 0x931afa80265752c9A5Aa135265FdC8E56e881dEE

-“@web3auth/base”: “^6.1.7”,
-“@web3auth/base-provider”: “^7.0.4”,
-“@web3auth/core”: “^4.6.0”,
-“@web3auth/ethereum-provider”: “^7.0.4”,
-“@web3auth/modal”: “^7.0.5”,
-“@web3auth/no-modal”: “^7.1.1”,
-“@web3auth/openlogin-adapter”: “^7.1.1”,
-“@web3auth/solana-provider”: “^7.0.4”,
-“@web3auth/web3auth”: “^2.1.3”,

Platform :
-I had tried to login using firefox and chrome
-for implmentation i am using nextjs.

Implementation Screenshot :

Verifier Name : ppp-social-login
SubVerifierName : ppp-facebook-login, ppp-google-login and ppp-paswordless-login
Client ID : BPQBNvcOz5yyQTaRiOrTIPlZ5iWlUKjT1ksRRwxASPZ-8jq3B_svQ6xWzcFfLkS2kUr-e26qMUt5HOQ9dMxHges

@aqibmaroof786 Welcome Aboard!

Which environment have you setup your project on the Dashboard which you are using the Client ID from? Is it Mainnet, testnet, cyan, etc. Please share the screenshot of your project highlighting the environment you have setup.

Which SDK are you currently using?

@vjgee thanks for your reply i have configured for testnet

Hey @aqibmaroof786
Please refer to the documentation here. The change in key you are seeing is an expected behaviour. Because the verifiers have changed for your app now(i.e. previously it was a standalone default verifier while in the second case it’s a custom verifier with aggregation. Although, the method of login is same)
This is one of the scenario where addresses change, hence, would highly recommend you to refer to the above documentation for knowing more about such scenarios where addresses might change.

@maharshi i understand what you shared now issue is that if i create aggregate verifiers on same id on which i used email login with modal SDK and as you know for aggregate verifiers we need to use no Modal SDK so now for same client id it generates the different address then before can you explian why it is happeining do you have any solution for my problem ??

Hey @aqibmaroof786, your wallet addresses are also dependent on the verifiers you’re utilising. If the verifiers change, your wallet addresses are bound to change. Previously, on modal SDK you might be utilizing default verifiers for email passwordless(let’s call that verifier A) and now you are using an aggregate custom verifier with one of the sub-verifier as email passwordless one. This verifier is a different one than A. I understand that your question that you’re utilizing the same (i.e. email passwordless) way of login but your wallet addresses are changing.

TL:DR: Wallet addresses depend on various factors, way of login and verifiers are one of them. They need to be consistent at once for us to get same wallet address.

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