It can't redirect my domain

  • SDK Version: nomodal 7.1.2
  • Platform: vue
  • login: google
  • env: dev

Our previous test domain name was working properly, but today I added a new test domain name and the update domain name on the dashboard. The user still prompts errors during authorization. As per the error message, your app has been configured with the web3AuthNetwork parameter for another environment while the clientId you are using belongs to a project on sapphire_devnet.

Please try changing the web3AuthNetwork parameter to sapphire_devnet in your code and let me know if it works for you.

Yes, I setted sapphire_devnet. The code is the same except the redirect link of my two test-ui. But the first one is work the next one is blocked.

Please share your entire code

export const BASE_URL = ''

const redirectUrl = BASE_URL + 'login';

const clientId = import.meta.env.VITE_CLIEND_ID;
const chainConfig = {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: "0x2105",
    displayName: "Base",
    blockExplorer: "",
    ticker: "ETH",
    tickerName: "Ethereum",
    rpcTarget: ""

const ethereumPrivateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
    config: {

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
    privateKeyProvider: ethereumPrivateKeyProvider,
    loginSettings: {
        mfaLevel: 'none'
    adapterSettings: {
        uxMode: 'redirect',
        replaceUrlOnRedirect: true,
        loginConfig: {
            typeOfLogin: 'goolge'
        sessionTime: 86400 * 7,
        whiteLabel: {
            appName: 'Donut',
            appUrl: '',
            logoLight: '',
            logoDark: '',
            defaultLanguage: 'en',
            mode: 'dark',
            useLogoLoader: true

export let web3auth;
let inited = false;
let initing = false;

export function web3AuthInited() {
    return inited;

export const web3AuthInit = async () => {
    try {
        if (inited) {
            return web3auth;
        if (initing) return;
        initing = true;
        web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal({
            web3AuthNetwork: 'sapphire_devnet'
        console.log(1, web3auth.status)
        await web3auth.init();
        inited = true;
        initing = false;
        console.log(2, web3auth.status)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(33, error)

export const loginGoogle = async () => {
    await web3AuthInit();
    let provider;
    if (!web3auth.connected) {
        provider = await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
            loginProvider: 'google'
    }else {
        provider = web3auth.provider;
        const ethersP = new ethers.BrowserProvider(provider);
        const signer = await ethersP.getSigner();
        return await signer.getAddress();
    }catch(e) {
        console.log(4, e)

Please share the screenshot of your project from the dashboard as well.

Can you remove the trailing / here so the URL is only

Correct the spelling to ‘google’

Sorry for the typo.
I have correct it. But it still fail, the code is below now:

const BASE_URL = ''
const redirectUrl = BASE_URL + '/login';

const clientId = import.meta.env.VITE_CLIEND_ID;
const chainConfig = {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: "0x2105",
    displayName: "Base",
    blockExplorer: "",
    ticker: "ETH",
    tickerName: "Ethereum",
    rpcTarget: ""

const ethereumPrivateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
    config: {

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
    privateKeyProvider: ethereumPrivateKeyProvider,
    loginSettings: {
        mfaLevel: 'none'
    adapterSettings: {
        uxMode: 'redirect',
        replaceUrlOnRedirect: true,
        loginConfig: {
            typeOfLogin: 'google'
        sessionTime: 86400 * 7,
        whiteLabel: {
            appName: 'Donut',
            appUrl: '',
            logoLight: '',
            logoDark: '',
            defaultLanguage: 'en',
            mode: 'dark',
            useLogoLoader: true

export let web3auth;
let inited = false;
let initing = false;

export function web3AuthInited() {
    return inited;

export const web3AuthInit = async () => {
    try {
        if (inited) {
            return web3auth;
        if (initing) return;
        initing = true;
        web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal({
            web3AuthNetwork: 'sapphire_devnet'
        console.log(1, web3auth.status)
        await web3auth.init();
        inited = true;
        initing = false;
        console.log(2, web3auth.status)
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(33, error)

export const loginGoogle = async () => {
    await web3AuthInit();
    let provider;
    if (!web3auth.connected) {
        provider = await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
            loginProvider: 'google'
    }else {
        provider = web3auth.provider;
        const ethersP = new ethers.BrowserProvider(provider);
        const signer = await ethersP.getSigner();
        console.log(3, signer.address);
        return await signer.getAddress();
    }catch(e) {
        console.log(4, e)
}``` Can you refer to this example here for Vue as a guide for your code to implement the same. Also, ensure you upgrade all your packages to the latest version 7.2.0.

I found the issue. It’s my fault, the key is end with the char ‘;’, It’s wrong

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