Legacy mainnet vs legacy cyan mainnet & saphire migration

We currently use verifiers that are labelled ‘Legacy Testnet’ and ‘Legacy Mainnet’ in the past and still use old Torus custom auth SDKs. We’re in the process of trying to upgrade to web3auth SDK and add support for an Apple verifier, however I note that I couldn’t create a ‘Legacy Mainnet’ verifier anymore, I created ‘Legacy Cyan Mainnet (USA)’ as the closest thing available. Are these compatible? Is ‘Legacy Cyan Mainnet’ the same as ‘Legacy Mainnet’ ?

I also want to migrate to Saphire mainnet ASAP and with as little pain as possible and move to the latest Web3Auth Core-Kit SDK, is there an easy way to migrate my existing verifiers on Legacy Mainnet so the users receive the exact same key as they do now? I couldn’t find any information on a migration path but I may have missed it.


@jon1 Welcome Aboard!

Your request has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates.

Thanks @vjgee, I’d love to hear any relevant info you might have.

If there’s no clear way to migrate at this time than we could really just use a new auth0 verifier created for our Legacy Mainnet production project if that would be possible :crossed_fingers:

You don’t need to do anything from your end. All accounts belonging to legacy networks have been migrated to sapphire already. Just use the latest sdk for full benefits.

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