Login error Error: Invalid params when using aggregate github subverifier

I have two problems when I try to use Oauth login.

  1. The Invalid params error occured when domain is not defined(HandlerFactory.ts:53:1), does that mean I need add domain in SubVerifierDetails? But there is no domain type in SubVerifierDetails.
  • Error msg
    login error Error: Invalid params
    at createHandler (HandlerFactory.ts:53:1)
    at CustomAuth.triggerAggregateLogin (login.ts:228:1)
    at TorusServiceProvider.triggerAggregateLogin (TorusServiceProvider.ts:163:1)
    at Web3AuthMPCCoreKit.loginWithOauth (mpcCoreKit.ts:264:1)
    at login (App.tsx:122:1)
    at onClick (App.tsx:516:1)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:4164:1)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:4213:1)
    at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:4277:1)
    at invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (react-dom.development.js:4291:1)
  1. subVerifierDetailsArray.length cannot greater than 1, so how can I use one aggregate verifier with auth0 subverifier and multi login type?
    login error Error: Single id verifier can only have one sub verifier
    at CustomAuth.triggerAggregateLogin (login.ts:222:1)
    at TorusServiceProvider.triggerAggregateLogin (TorusServiceProvider.ts:163:1)
    at Web3AuthMPCCoreKit.loginWithOauth (mpcCoreKit.ts:264:1)
    at login (App.tsx:127:1)
    at onClick (App.tsx:521:1)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:4164:1)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:4213:1)
    at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:4277:1)
    at invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (react-dom.development.js:4291:1)
    at executeDispatch (react-dom.development.js:9041:1)
    Dashboard verifier setting:

@zxc82990 Thanks for reaching out.

Your issue has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Hello @zxc82990

  1. you can pass domain in subVerifierDetails with this way, try out and let me know if it’s working.

  2. aggregatelogin is only available for paid customer. If you are using mainnet and on a basic plan, aggregateLogin may not working.

  1. Pass doamin is work, but I use the config of aggregate verifier AggregateVerifierLoginParams and got another error:
Error: Error occurred while verifying params could not verify identity xxxxxxx@gmail.com google-oauth2|116823995052217580485
    at Web3AuthMPCCoreKit.loginWithOauth (mpcCoreKit.ts:285:1)
    at async login (App.tsx:157:1)
  1. I am a paid customer and use Sapphire Devnet, so that’s not the reason. Maybe you should check SDK code about aggregateLogin for multi sub verifier. Or please give me a example about aggregate verifier setting and SDK implementation code. I created a verifier aggregate verifier, added auth0-google, auth0-github, auth0-twitter sub verifier, so I only have one aggregate verifier id right?
export declare const AGGREGATE_VERIFIER: {
    readonly SINGLE_VERIFIER_ID: "single_id_verifier";

Here is your SDK code, you check the aggregateVerifierType==SINGLE_VERIFIER_ID, then subVerifierDetailsArray.length should not greater than 1, so how can I avoid the error? how can I use aggregate login with different login type in auth0?

Error msg:

login error Error: Single id verifier can only have one sub verifier
    at CustomAuth.triggerAggregateLogin (login.ts:222:1)
    at TorusServiceProvider.triggerAggregateLogin (TorusServiceProvider.ts:163:1)
    at Web3AuthMPCCoreKit.loginWithOauth (mpcCoreKit.ts:264:1)
    at login (App.tsx:169:1)
    at onClick (App.tsx:563:1)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:4164:1)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:4213:1)
    at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:4277:1)
    at invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (react-dom.development.js:4291:1)
    at executeDispatch (react-dom.development.js:9041:1)

For question 1, I found the solution is add the verifierIdField, because I choose email as verifier id in dashboard.

jwtParams: {
    domain: 'https://xxxxx.us.auth0.com',
    verifierIdField: 'email',

But I still cannot solve the question 2, please help me for this issue

@pepper @vjgee

Please take a look, thanks