Login Issue in Next.js https deployment environment (Mobile Web)

An error related to web3auth login occurred in our deployment environment.

So, in order to check if the same issue exists in other projects, I tested it based on the web3auth nextjs demo code.

Error Case

After clicking the login button, go back without logging in → Click login button again → console error like the image below occurs

We cannot login again until we refresh.

As mentioned in the title, this error occurs only in mobile web and https deployment environment. (not dev, not http, not web).

$ npm run build
$ npm start

Afterwards, we tested using ngrok to create an https environment.

Our ngrok Address: https://63b9-121-165-189-49.ngrok-free.app

Differences from the demo code

  • ClientId: BEmSVl10FiDizT2V_ZXMgYP6VYQdATkt2pX01POCJSFfwI82eZVSFSgk4YeEJWaBmzSafsrETo1Tunj_TYJ4nB0
  • uxMode: redirect

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: 6.1.1v (no-modal)
  • Platform: chrome mobile web (AOS, iOS)
  • Browser Console Screenshots:
  • Related to Custom Authentication? Please provide the following info too: (Optional)
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT)

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

@bjkim Thanks for your recent communication.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with more updates once more information becomes available.

Hi @bjkim,
I tried recreating the issue in your deployed app. I am not able to see any error in the console if I try to log in again after pressing back from the login redirect page. If possible, could you please share a video where you re-create this issue?

Tested on Android Chrome Mobile Web. [Not PC Web]

@bjkim, I am able to re-create this error only if I quickly click on the login buttons before the openlogin adapter is ready. Can you please try the same steps but this time, requesting you to wait for a few seconds before clicking on login again?

I waited about 10 seconds and clicked the login button again.

@bjkim, I am unable to re-create this error now matter how much I try. Can you confirm if this is an issue with all apps or just nextJs ones?

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