Login popup has been closed by the user

Open the dapp - https://upvsdown.com
click on “connect wallet”
choose one of the social (preferred with google)
the web3 popup appears - you confirm everything.
the popup closes - and instead of getting connected - nothing happens and i get this error in the console.

heres a video also:
screen-capture (28).webm - Google Drive

hi @idob

Can you share with us which SDK are you using and version. Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.



I just tried it with Google and it works ok. Without any error.

Is this always occurring? I need your guide to reproduce it.

console log

This issue doesnt happen all the time.
But, when it does, it doesnt go away for some time.
and it happens to many of us. each day

Hi @idob,

Sorry to hear about this occasional problem. Do you tried our new Wallet Service Plugin ?

Torus wallet plugins is already deprecated.

were using the “Plug-N-Play”.
isnt it a different thing?

Hi @idob,

Yes, Plug N Play Modal is the SDK. Wallet Service is a Plugin.
Please take a look to the v8 of the EVM connection.

Can you try to implement this version in with the wallet service in your DApp ?

Please read our transition docs to learn more about these changes:

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