MacOS blocks PopUps by default

  • SDK Version: doesnt matter
  • Platform: MacOS / iOS


we´re using web3Auth for our dApp and we´re very happy with the product so far. There is only one thing from a UX-pov. When using google or any other social Login the Modal triggers a popup. Now the Problem: MacOS / iOS ist blocking Popups by default. So whenever a user comes from this devices he will get stuck in the Auth-process (as soon as the Modal triggers the Pop-up) if he doesnt allow Popups in his Browser. I dont think i have to tell you how many users will not come behind this problem directy…
You can try this with you Iphone or Mac on

When i go to and use the google login it redirects me to a new page for the auth.

so now my Question:
Is there a way to get the user redirected to a new website instead of opening an popup? (or do we have to change the product to no modal for that ?)

Thanks in advance and have a nice evening.

@NClip_Adrian Welcome Aboard!

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Web3Auth modal allows you to use redirect mode.
you can set it using uxMode: 'redirect'

Hey @NClip_Adrian,
Please refer to the documentation above and if you need, here is the example using the same.

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