πŸš€ Make Web3Auth Truly Global: Share Your Language and Culture with Us!

Want to see Web3Auth in your language or improve existing translations? :globe_with_meridians: We’re inviting all enthusiasts and localizers to contribute to our open-source repo! Your contributions help enhance the experience for users around the world. :muscle:

:speaking_head: Languages We Currently Support:

  • :us: English (default)
  • :de: German
  • :jp: Japanese
  • :kr: Korean
  • :cn: Mandarin
  • :es: Spanish
  • :fr: French
  • :portugal: Portuguese
  • :netherlands: Dutch
  • :tr: Turkish

Join us in making Web3Auth more accessible and inclusive! :speech_balloon: Check out the repo and start contributing today!

:point_right: Link to Repo

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