Metamask login fails

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

  • initialization
    const web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal({
      clientId: config.web3AuthClientId,
      chainConfig: {
        "chainNamespace": "eip155",
        "chainId": "0x13881",
        "rpcTarget": "",
        "displayName": "Polygon Mumbai Testnet",
        "blockExplorer": "",
        "ticker": "MATIC",
        "tickerName": "Polygon",
        "decimals": 18
      sessionTime: 86400 * 7,
    const metamaskAdapter = new MetamaskAdapter();
    await web3auth.init();
  • login
    await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.METAMASK);

this looks like a bug thanks for reporting we will check and get back to you.

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Fixed this and released in 5.0.2
Thanks for reporting