Migration of Web3Auth Testnet to Goerli

Hey Web3Auth Community,

Due to the recent change in the Ethereum testnets and the support deprecation by our node providers, we're moving our testnet from Ropsten to Goerli.

mainnet & cyan is not affected by this change, things should be working as expected.

For people using Web3Auth Plug and Play SDKs, this should not cause any major change in the functionality. However, with Self Host SDKs (tKey & Custom Auth Web and Mobile SDKs), please update to the latest SDK.

If you're passing a custom URL in the networkUrl, please swap it to any Goerli Testnet URL (if you want to use a custom url), after updating to latest SDK. Ideally, you can also just switch to use the network field as testnet directly and delete the networkUrl field altogether.

CustomAuth Web SDK

import TorusSdk from @toruslabs/customauth";

const torusdirectsdk = new TorusSdk({
baseUrl: <span class="pl-s1"><span class="pl-kos">${</span><span class="pl-smi">window</span><span class="pl-kos">.</span><span class="pl-c1">location</span><span class="pl-kos">.</span><span class="pl-c1">origin</span><span class="pl-kos">}</span></span>/serviceworker,
enableLogging: true,
network: “testnet”,

CustomAuth Android SDK

CustomAuthArgs args = new CustomAuthArgs("https://scripts.toruswallet.io/redirect.html", TorusNetwork.TESTNET, "torusapp://org.torusresearch.customauthandroid/redirect");

CustomAuth iOS SDK

CustomAuth(aggregateVerifierType: .singleLogin, aggregateVerifierName: "torus-auth0-github-lrc", subVerifierDetails: [sub], network: .TESTNET)

If you are not able to see your verifiers on dashboard you can try either of the three solutions given below:-

  • Login on Web3Auth Dashboard in a new browser profile.
  • Go to Torus Wallet and clear the local storage in your browser developer console and login to Web3Auth Dashboard
  • Login to Web3Auth Dashboard , open the torus wallet from bottom left wallet icon and change the network from ropsten/goerli to mainnet from wallet setting and change it back to goerli.

Either of the above three should be able to show you your old verifiers if not showing now.

Originally posted by: yashovardhan

Check the discussion at: https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/911