modules.webStorage - i don't found share data

const getDeviceShare = async () => {
try {

console.log("Start get device share....;")

const share = await (
  tKey.modules.webStorage as WebStorageModule

console.log("End get device share....;", share)

if (share) {
    "Device Share Captured Successfully across",
  return share;
uiConsole("Device Share Not found");
return null;

} catch (error) {
uiConsole(“Error”, (error as any)?.message.toString(), “error”);

if i’m register user first time then he got a share detail, but second time he not. why??

got an error:
Error unableToReadFromStorageError inputShareFromWebStorage: No share exists in localstorage and {“name”:“NotFoundError”,“message”:“A requested file or directory could not be found at the time an operation was processed.”} error

@mukeshsingh.codebrew Your issue has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

You can find any solution for me?

The share is saved in the browser storage.
It is possible the storage is cleared if user clear the browser data

No, i’m not clearing browser storage

I have the same problem, did you solve this problem? please help me

Hi @ltminhthu.209,

I hope you’re doing well! To assist you more effectively with your issue, could you please create a new post and include all the relevant information you can share? Details like the packages you’re using and code snippets would be incredibly helpful for us to understand and address your particular problem.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.