Multi chain EVM + Solana

From Discord (Discord)

Hello, Im currently exploring multi-chain approach and have initialised the Web3 Model using the EVM, see the following pics.


am using the import { Web3Auth, Web3AuthOptions } from “@web3auth/modal”;

I have 2 functions in useEffect:

const handleEVM = async() =>{

        const web3AuthOptionsEVM = web3AuthOptions('aa36a7');
        const web3authEVM = new Web3Auth(web3AuthOptionsEVM);

const handleSolana = async() =>{
        const web3AuthOptionsSolana = web3AuthOptions('2');
        const web3authSolana = new Web3Auth(web3AuthOptionsSolana);

Please check our multi chain example : web3auth-pnp-examples/web-no-modal-sdk/blockchain-connection-examples/multi-chain-no-modal-example at main · Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples · GitHub