Need help switching from Modal SDK to NoModal SDK


I’ve posted this as multiple topics here but haven’t received an answer and this is rather time critical for us.


  • We are using web3auth-wagmi-connector.
  • We are using web3Auth.authenticatedUser() and verifying signature on our backend with jwks.
  • We support multiple openlogin providers (email_passwordless, google, apple, reddit, X) and MetaMask.

We need to switch from Modal SDK to NoModal SDK to support an embedded view in our app.

Issue 1: “autoConnect” not working
Solved by updating to web3auth v8 and web3auth-wagmi-connector v6, thank you @TomTom

Issue 2: Error when trying to log in using MetaMask.
The web3auth redirect page opens with the following error: Invalid loginProvider or custom loginProvider data not available We are using the following config:

      loginParams: {
        loginProvider: WALLET_ADAPTERS.METAMASK,

Issue 3: Cannot find a way to dynamically connect to different OpenLogin providers.
The loginParams have to be passed when initializing Web3AuthConnector, which is impossible when using email_passwordless because the user email is not known beforehand:

      // Cannot pass this directly at initialization
      loginParams: {
        extraLoginOptions: {
          login_hint: ''

The web3AuthInstance offers the following method to specify the connector:

await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
      loginProvider: "google",

How to do the same using wagmi?

  const {connect} = useConnect();
  const onConnect = () => {
    // Where to put loginProvider: "google" ?
    connect({connector: web3AuthConnector});

Thank you!

connect({connector: Web3AuthConnectorInstance([mainnet, sepolia, polygon])})}

you can check the example where yo can change the loginProvider

I was able to get this working by modifying the web3auth-wagmi-connector source code and passing the connector in the connect function:

  const connectWithWeb3Auth = loginParams => {
      chainId: chains[0].id,
      connector: CustomWeb3AuthConnector({
        walletName: loginParams.walletName,
        loginParams: loginParams.loginParams,

Here is the modified source code that allows connecting to MetaMask:

import {ChainNotConfiguredError, createConnector, normalizeChainId} from '@wagmi/core';
import type {IProvider, IWeb3Auth, WALLET_ADAPTER_TYPE} from '@web3auth/base';
import {ADAPTER_STATUS, CHAIN_NAMESPACES, log} from '@web3auth/base';
import type {OpenloginLoginParams} from '@web3auth/openlogin-adapter';
import {Chain, Hex, SwitchChainError, UserRejectedRequestError, getAddress} from 'viem';

export interface Web3AuthConnectorParams {
  web3AuthInstance: IWeb3Auth;
  loginParams?: OpenloginLoginParams;

export const CustomWeb3AuthConnector = (parameters: Web3AuthConnectorParams) => {
  let walletProvider: IProvider | null = null;

  const {web3AuthInstance, walletName, loginParams} = parameters;

  return createConnector<IProvider>(config => ({
    id: 'web3auth',
    name: 'Web3Auth',
    type: 'Web3Auth',
    async connect({chainId} = {}) {
      try {
        config.emitter.emit('message', {
          type: 'connecting',
        const provider = await this.getProvider();

        provider.on('accountsChanged', this.onAccountsChanged);
        provider.on('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged);
        provider.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect.bind(this));

        if (!web3AuthInstance.connected) {
          await web3AuthInstance.connectTo(walletName, loginParams ?? undefined);

        let currentChainId = await this.getChainId();
        if (chainId && currentChainId !== chainId) {
          const chain = await this.switchChain!({chainId}).catch(error => {
            if (error.code === UserRejectedRequestError.code) throw error;
            return {id: currentChainId};
          currentChainId = chain?.id ?? currentChainId;

        const accounts = await this.getAccounts();

        return {accounts, chainId: currentChainId};
      } catch (error) {
        log.error('error while connecting', error);
        throw new UserRejectedRequestError('Something went wrong' as unknown as Error);
    async getAccounts(): Promise<Hex[]> {
      const provider = await this.getProvider();
      const result = await provider.request<{method: string}, string[]>({
        method: 'eth_accounts',
      if (!Array.isArray(result)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid accounts result');
      // @ts-ignore
      return string) => getAddress(x));
    async getChainId() {
      const provider = await this.getProvider();
      const chainId = await provider.request<unknown, number>({method: 'eth_chainId'});
      return normalizeChainId(chainId);
    async getProvider(): Promise<IProvider> {
      if (walletProvider) {
        return walletProvider;
      if (web3AuthInstance.status === ADAPTER_STATUS.NOT_READY) {
        await web3AuthInstance.init();

      walletProvider = web3AuthInstance.provider;

      if (!walletProvider) {
        throw new Error('Provider not found');

      return walletProvider;
    async isAuthorized() {
      try {
        const accounts = await this.getAccounts();
        return !!accounts.length;
      } catch {
        return false;
    async switchChain({chainId}): Promise<Chain> {
      try {
        const chain = config.chains.find(x => === chainId);
        if (!chain) throw new SwitchChainError(new ChainNotConfiguredError());

        await web3AuthInstance.addChain({
          chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
          chainId: `0x${}`,
          rpcTarget: chain.rpcUrls.default.http[0],
          blockExplorerUrl: chain.blockExplorers?.default.url[0] || '',
          ticker: chain.nativeCurrency?.symbol || 'ETH',
          tickerName: chain.nativeCurrency?.name || 'Ethereum',
          decimals: chain.nativeCurrency?.decimals || 18,
          logo: chain.nativeCurrency?.symbol
            ? `${chain.nativeCurrency?.symbol.toLowerCase()}.svg`
            : '',
        });'Chain Added: ',;
        await web3AuthInstance.switchChain({chainId: `0x${}`});'Chain Switched to ',;
        config.emitter.emit('change', {
        return chain;
      } catch (error: unknown) {
        log.error('Error: Cannot change chain', error);
        throw new SwitchChainError(error as Error);
    async disconnect(): Promise<void> {
      await web3AuthInstance.logout();
      const provider = await this.getProvider();
      provider.removeListener('accountsChanged', this.onAccountsChanged);
      provider.removeListener('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged);
    onAccountsChanged(accounts) {
      if (accounts.length === 0) config.emitter.emit('disconnect');
        config.emitter.emit('change', {
          accounts: => getAddress(x)),
    onChainChanged(chain) {
      const chainId = normalizeChainId(chain);
      config.emitter.emit('change', {chainId});
    onDisconnect(): void {

How to keep the connection across page refresh using this method?

hi @afarley,
try using useState for web3AuthInstance. Please check our examples.