Nevermined - UI/UX Showcase by Web3Auth team

About Nevermined

Nevermined is a smart subscriptions platform that lets its users tokengate their assets with set time-based conditions. Smart subscriptions are buckets of digital assets tokenized into one and integrated with time parameters. It opens a whole new set of tools and use cases for AI and data marketplaces.

  • Sell smart subscriptions for digital assets

Nevermined app enables users to sell subscriptions to their AI web services and datasets in a permissionless way. Having a decentralized marketplace where users can find and subscribe to various services and assets without needing to rely on a centralized platform results in a bunch of new possibilities, like easy embedding of a subscription offer to any and multiple websites.

  • An infrastructure for AI payments

AI may not be able to have bank accounts, but they may have crypto wallets. Enabling decentralized payments can make way for a new type of online consumer: the AI agents. Tokenized subscription models can give AI an infrastructure to transact with online platforms and even with one another, transforming the digital economy as we know it.

  • Democratized compute and training

A smart contract defines access conditions to the AI and data. Bringing these transactions completely onchain enables transparency and complete traceability on who used these services and assets.

Nevermined’s Integration with Web3Auth

Nevermined uses Web3Auth’s Plug-and-Play Modal SDK to let their users to create an account and login to the app by email passwordless authentication or by any of their following socials: Google, Github, Facebook, or Reddit. With this SDK, they get a pre-configured modal UI that allows them to test Web3Auth right out of the box.

Nevermined has to put the user focus on the main flows of their dApp, which is creating assets and tokenized plans to sell in their marketplace. Authenticating through Web3Auth plug-and-play modal makes the onboarding experience frictionless, directing the users straight to the main flows without bothering them about keeping seedphrases or managing crypto wallets.

Issue Encountered: Delayed Login Notification

Nevermined has encountered an issue with successful login notification: it fades before the screen transitions in dApp, making it look like the logging in process is delayed.


We recommend using a redirect flow instead of a pop-up notification. Compared to the transition of leaving the modal open and switching the screens from behind, bringing the users straight to onboarding via redirect can make for a more seamless login flow.

They can also change the default system setting to light mode and the theme colors to their brand colors so that it blends better with the company’s visuals.

UI Feature

  • Google and Email Passwordless Login

  • Onboarding

  • Embedded Wallet

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