Not working web3auth login

login function suddenly not working with below error page.
Please kindly check the issue.

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: v6.1.1 (@web3auth/no-modal)
  • Platform: Web Chrome / Safari
    Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

@service1 Thanks for your question.

Your request has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates once more information becomes available.
Also please note the team is actively work on the fix.

@service1 we had the same problem this morning, similar to you we were using the Testnet network.

When we logged into the Dashboard, we saw this notification:

So we created a new project using a new network, now everything is working as expected.

@service1 Can you please confirm now? I was able to successfully log into [ ]

it is working fine. Thank you!