OpenLogin adapter with GitHub, Twitter etc

I noticed that in Openlogin Adapter for Social Logins | Documentation | Web3Auth it mentions these available options: google , facebook , reddit , discord , twitch , apple , line , github , kakao , linkedin , twitter , weibo , wechat , email_passwordless , sms_passwordless , jwt

I really need the GitHub one, and I don’t want to / cannot use Auth0.

So I configured GitHub, but when I want to add a verifier there is no GitHub available! I tried also with other Social Login verifiers (Google, Facebook) but there is validation that rejects the ClientId format of GitHub, so it seems I cannot use them for GitHub.

What do I need to do, how do I create a verifier for GitHub? Can you enable perhaps the missing providers?

@silver Your request is under review and we will get back with updates.

Thanks for your patience.

GitHub has not set itself up to be a provider of social login in the way Facebook and Google have. You need to setup Github using Auth0 following this documentation:

Implementing social login with GitHub is going to take more time than using an Identity Provider like Facebook or Google that have streamlined the process for developers. However, I will forward your feedback to our product team to have Github as an option in the Social login providers. There is no estimate if or when it will be available.

Can you say if migrating later from Auth0 based GitHub authentication to direct Web3Auth native GitHub authentication would retain the users wallet address? Would they have the same wallet?

The reason why I’d rather not use Auth0 is that I’d need to pay for 2 different services , which doubles my costs. Also, from your perspective making your product dependent on another company for your core functionality (social logins) bears risks - for example Auth0 could jack up prices for your users when they decide to build a competive offering.

Hey @silver

Yes, this is possible when you start with an aggregate verifier that initially has an Auth0-Github verifier, and later, once this feature is available, you can add another sub-verifier. That way, your user will have the same wallet when you switch from Auth0-Github to GitHub login.

Yes, I can understand it’s not a plug-and-play solution. Rest assured, I will share this with the product team, and as @vjgee said in the above comment, There is no estimate if or when it will be available.

I’m just curious: Are you willing to handle the authentication setup yourself?
The process involves initiating a standard GitHub OAuth login, using the returned access token to verify the user with GitHub in your backend, and fetching user details. Then, using the user details, you need to create a custom JWT and pass it to web3auth for login.

Interesting, do you have a code example for inputting custom JWTs into Web3Auth API?

Yes, you can checkout

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