Passwordless no modal SDK, aggregate not working


I’ve created a custom aggregate verifier with Google and Email Passwordless. Google works ok, however Email Passwordless returns error:

"errorMsg":"Error occurred while verifying params aud validation failed, token values [BIBo1lrf6Cv9IBbU8Vwjmt4m-hfRVc_EMiGNzbsDNiQ7C-4zeR5fSpkE3r0EkpjgNu0OlbANx-9-_3BViWFAZ7M] dont include validation value ",
"errorStack":"Error: Error occurred while verifying params aud validation failed, token values [BIBo1lrf6Cv9IBbU8Vwjmt4m-hfRVc_EMiGNzbsDNiQ7C-4zeR5fSpkE3r0EkpjgNu0OlbANx-9-_3BViWFAZ7M] dont include validation value \n    at mt (\n    at",
"title":"Mount Error",
"createdAt":"11.12.2024, 15:38:27",
"},"customState":{"client":"[redacted]","currentLoginProvider":"email_v2","popupWindow":"true","whiteLabel":"{\"mode\":\"light\"}","keyMode":"v1","loginId":"7610ec85aa2c52a451b4a9b9e97da1aff50dd8e3d182e28d2353f77edc7fbc79","sessionNamespace":"","socialFactorFlow":"","version":"9"},"hash":"state=[redacted]&id_token=[redacted]","queryParameters":{}}]},"customAuthError":"Error occurred while verifying params aud validation failed, token values [[redacted]] dont include validation value ","customAuthHashParams":{"state":"[redacted]","id_token":"[redacted]"}}}

Hi Adam!

Thank you for reaching out and providing those detailed insights into the issue with your Email Passwordless integration. I can see you’re facing an “aud validation failed” error with your custom aggregate verifier.

Here’s a summary of the information for our support team:

  • SDK Details: Help - Plug n Play
  • Issue: Passwordless no modal SDK, aggregate not working
  • Error Message:
    {"errorMsg":"Error occurred while verifying params aud validation failed, token values [BIBo... ] dont include validation value","errorStack":"Error: Error occurred while verifying params aud validation failed..."}

Additional Context:

  • Login Provider: Email Passwordless
  • Working Login Provider: Google

To help troubleshoot this further, could you please provide the following additional details:

  1. Web3Auth Initialization & Login Code Snippets (if possible)
  2. Any Browser Console Screenshots that could show the error in context.
  3. If this is specifically related to custom authentication with an aggregate verifier, could you confirm:
    • Verifier Name: email-aggregate
    • Method of Login: email_passwordless

This information will really help the support team in providing a more targeted solution.

Thanks again for your patience and for being a part of the Web3Auth community! Looking forward to your response.

Note: This response was generated by an AI bot and may require further verification. The Web3Auth support team has tracked this issue and will be responding as soon as possible.

Here are code snippets I’m using:

        adapterSettings: {
            // clientId: settings.WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
            uxMode: 'popup',
            loginConfig: {
                google_v2: {
                    verifier: 'Aggregator',
                    verifierSubIdentifier: 'google-aggregate',
                    typeOfLogin: 'google',
                    clientId: ''
                email_v2: {
                    verifier: 'Aggregator',
                    verifierSubIdentifier: 'email-aggregate',
                    typeOfLogin: 'email_passwordless',
                    clientId: settings.WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID
    const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({ config: { chainConfig } });

    web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal({
        clientId: settings.WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID,

Hey can you please share the details about your email passwordless verifier from the Web3Auth dashboard. Maybe share the screenshots.

Also, please share a sample idToken which is expired or already used? We’ll need to decode the token, and check information.

The error is saying that it’s failing on the aud validation in the token you have shared with the verifier you have setup.