Phone login does not recognize Israeli phone number


It was working 2 weeks ago. For some reason, now none are recognized. Can you please advise?

Thank you

Hey @jon123,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I have forwarded your message to the relevant team and will update you on any developments.

In the meantime, could you please provide additional information regarding where the error occurred? Additionally, kindly share your clientId with us to facilitate a closer examination.

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We were facing DDOS from the region and thus its being hit by default ratelimits, we’re working on easing access here

@shahbaz @zhen
Thank you team for the swift reply. My understanding is every application is currently impacted by this issue and you can re-create easily. Looking forward to resolution and would appreciate an update when things are back to normal and the attack mitigated.
This issue does not let people access their wallet in the usual way which is critical.

Please update when you can!

Israel is unblocked now

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I am not receiving the OTP code fyi. So there might still be issues…

Thank you