Phone number login fails

Phone number logins are failing since yesterday


Hey, can you tell the Web3Auth plan you are currently on? On base plan we have a limit of 100 free sms only. You can checkout the Web3Auth dashboard.

Upgraded to Growth Plan. Still not working

Why is there a limit for this? It should charge some cents per SMS after the limit, not block it completely, right?

My users are locked out of their wallets and their funds.

Hey, as you can see in the screenshot above, you’ll have to enable the add on service. The 100 SMS/ month remains the same for all the growth plan as well. Can you confirm you have enabled the additional add on service?

It is already enabled. Users could login using it for 10 days then it stopped working out of nowhere
My guess is it hit the limit and then bugged. It says there that after 100 SMSs should still work, but would charge us. But it’s not working nor charging us

I also tried turning it off and on again

Please share your client id, we’ll check it out.

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