Private key export/recovery in TSS setup possible?

Hi everyone, after going through the documentation and community portal I wasn’t able to find a clear answer to the following question:

When using only the Social/Email login (based on the Threshold Signature Scheme), is it possible for a user to export/recover/reconstruct the private key, or minimally access/extract their assets in case of an event?

Thanks in advance!

@wout Thanks for your patience.

Your issue has been submitted to our team. We will get back with further updates once more information becomes available.

Did we get any clear answer on this topic as I was looking for an answer too.

Hello sir, do you already have an answer for us?

Thanks for your patience.

I’m following up with our developer team and you will receive an update soon.

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Hey @wout

Using MPC TSS, the key is never reconstructed in general, however, we’re in the process of building a recovery website for such cases where people want get their keys and migrate out of MPC.

Extracting the assets, however is totally possible with TSS MPC. On reaching the minimum threshold, you can use the signature generated to make a transaction and extract all the assets you want out of the MPC Wallet.

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Thanks for the reply! I’m looking forward to the recovery website. We want to offer our users a way of exporting their account to another platform or wallet provider, so that is the reason why I’m asking.
Is there any page where we can follow the progress/announcements on the recovery website?

All the announcement are available on this community portal itself

We’ll make sure to update here as soon as we have any updates in any of our products.

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