privateKey from tKey.reconstructKey has 63 digits?

const reconstructedKey = await tKey.reconstructKey();

const privateKey = reconstructedKey.privKey.toString(“hex”);

I am using tkey and got this error:
→ 991352346169578703453954507227156332660615589069577142432161570347296894949

→ 23115e632f89d8e3bdd3dceb249e3e8c8558dd5aee46be16f905689935e2fe5

63 digits, invalid private key, cannot use it

Is this your fault?

@lothahatred Thanks for reaching out.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get with an update once more information becomes available.

@lothahatred This StackOverflow answer sums it up: wallets - Serious problem! web3j-android EckeyPair returning Private Key length of 63 characters, not 64 - Ethereum Stack Exchange

This is what I use in my app to handle this issue:

// Sometimes TKey will generate a random number between 1 and 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141 (the range of valid private keys) and is occasionally less than 64 digits long.
// Although the key generated is of type secp256k1, ethers.Wallet will error with INVALID_ARGUMENT if the private key is less than 64 digits.
// To circumvent this issue, we add the leading zero.
function ensure64DigitPrivateKey(privateKey: string): string {
  if (privateKey.length < 64) {
    return privateKey.padStart(64, "0");
  return privateKey;

// ...
const eoaSigner = new ethers.Wallet(