Problem when use custom login with line

When i use line to login in my app developed by LIFF. It can’t login and got this error
“errorMsg”: “Could not get result from torus nodes"
“errorStack”: "Error: Could not get result from torus nodes at et (Web3Auth

but when login with other custom provider like google still login success

@thanapatpongpipat.w Welcome Aboard!

Can you share your Dapp URL to check the behavior?

in this demo-app can’t connect wallet with line too

On which network is your Dapp on Sapphire Mainnet or Devnet?

now my app using on a sepolia testnet

In which environment have you setup your project on the dashboard?

My environment that show in my dashboard is Legacy Testnet

Is there a way for me to access your Dapp to test?

i can’t , but now i’m found a problem is about my line account if i change to another account i can login to my app with line

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