Queries regarding web3Auth/modal SDK in js and account recovery

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: ^5.1.0

  • Platform: web
    i have a few queries regarding a demo i am developing. I ran the examples repo for evm chains for modal and no modal web3 Auth sdk

    1.) In the modal SDK example , in the popup ,it has a mobile login where user can enter mobile and validate mobile using an OTP. It also has the other logins like google , fb , discord etc. But when i login using different logins eg google and fb. They generate different accounts even when my google and fb accounts share the same email. So how do i configure the app such that when user logins with any social , and then after validating the mobile number using OTP it should generate the same address for same email for google , discord etc. I want the mobile number validation to be a part of the key generation process along with the social login. How can i do this ?

2.) I am able to enable 2fa for users which prompt users to store one share in browser storage and a backup share sent to my email. For mobile sdk , will it automatically use biometric and save it in memory storage for the app ?

3.) The doc says that for plug n play , user can manage these shares at app.openlogin.com . I am able to login there and able to revoke the web storage share and send a new backup share to my email. If i make a share using biometric and save it in app storage , will i be able to remove that share from app.openlogin.com ?

4.) When i create a backup share and a web storage share , i need 2 out of these 3 shares to recreate the private key. Do i need to always have the social login and then one of the other 2 shares to recreate the private key ? The beta.openlogin app site also gives user access to the shares but we still need to login using the socials there. So can we recreate the private key using the browser storage or app storage in case of mobile and a backup share created by a seedphrase which is sent to the email or social login is always needed ?

5.)What if the social login is compromised ? How do i still get the same private key but use a new email with it ? Is it possible ?