Questions about web3auth.connect parameters

await web3auth.connect({
  verifier: "verifier-name", // e.g. `web3auth-sfa-verifier` replace with your verifier name, and it has to be on the same network passed in init().
  verifierId: "verifier-id-value", // e.g. `Yux1873xnibdui` or `` replace with your verifier id(sub or email)'s value.
  idToken: "JWT Token", // replace with your newly created unused JWT Token.

Is the idToken value the openid value of Oauth 2.0 during SFA Login?

If yes, how can I get idToken from Facebook Oauth API?

Iā€™m not sure if I understood it right. We plan to add Google Login, Facebook Login, and Apple Login.

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: @web3auth/single-factor-auth: v6.3.1

@bjkim Thanks for your recent communication.

Your request has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates.

In the meantime, please go through this guide Using Web3Auth without MFA with future compatibility | Web3Auth

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Is it the most alternative way to get an Idtoken through Auth0 for Facebook login?

Yes, or Firebase/Passport