The original project from Github has not Metamask login option, so I added the Metamask adapter and its configuration to this project to log in with the Metamask extension wallet.
When I use this react project as a web application on localhost:3000, it’s working very well, but as I tried to use it in my Chrome extension application, when the popup opened, I get this error as shown in the following screenshot:
Thank you very much for your response.
I have already added my Chrome extension URL to the whitelist as you mentioned in the attached picture.
By the way, I want to mention an error that seems related to this issue. After I load the unpacked extension on the Chrome extensions page, there is no error for this extension, but as I open the extension popup, then an error appears. Please see the extension error screenshot:
1- Build the React app by command
2- Open chrome://extensions/ in the Chrome browser
3- CLick on the “load unpacked” button
4- Select the React project build folder
5- Now, the extension is ready to use
I have tested the app and noticed that it was missing zlib. I have included it and kindly request that you take a pull. Additionally, I have created a video walkthrough to assist you.
I tried the latest version of this project but it didn’t work. Please watch the walkthrough video and please let me know how can I solve the issue. Thank you very much.
Thank you for creating this informative video. It has been extremely helpful in understanding the issue at hand.
I would like to inquire whether your project is currently on testnet or Cyan. If it is currently on testnet, kindly consider changing the network to testnet.
As you mentioned in the last message, the network was the problem. My project network in the dashboard is “testnet” but it was “cyan” in the code. I changed it and now it’s working. Thank you very much for your patience and professional support.
If I have further questions in future about current project and codes, should I ask them here or in a new topic?