I was trying to integrate the W3A React Native SDK with the Expo workflow. I referred to the example on Expo in your examples repository and wanted to test it out. I replaced the clientId and proceeded to run it on my local environment.
However, while it did login, instead of redirecting to the loggedInView or logging something onto the console, it just takes me to the localhost environment with the key [ eg. http://localhost:19006/web3auth#eyJwcml2... ] and logs an error onto the console for the previous tab open. Logged in view doesn't open.
Thanks for letting us know about the issue you're facing. I'm still not sure about the exact error you're facing, some console logs/ screenshots will be helpful here.
I might also tell you that you need to whitelist the URL of your expo instance in the Web3Auth dashboard for the login to work.
Thanks for letting us know about the issue you're facing. I'm still not sure about the exact error you're facing, some console logs/ screenshots will be helpful here.
I might also tell you that you need to whitelist the URL of your expo instance in the Web3Auth dashboard for the login to work.
There is no error as such on the console. it simply says Login flow interrupted.
As for whitelisting the instance,I didn't whitelist the local instance as it said that I didn't need to do it for development servers. I'll do that and get back to you!
Ansh3101 reported an issue with integrating Web3Auth React Native SDK in Expo workflow. After replacing clientId and running on local environment, login occurred but instead of redirecting to loggedInView or logging onto the console, it redirected to localhost environment with key and logged an error onto the console for the previous tab open. Ansh3101 was recommended to whitelist the URL of their expo instance in the Web3Auth dashboard for the login to work. Ansh3101 replied that they didn’t whitelist the local instance and will try that.