React Native Web Implementation

Hello everyone!

I’m currently using the React-native SDK from web3auth which works perfectly on react-native.

My project has a codebase with native code & web code working with react-native-web (Expo).

Here are the versions used:

- "expo": "~46.0.20",
- "@web3auth/react-native-sdk": "^3.5.0",
- "react-native": "0.69.6",
- "react": "18.0.0"

Knowing that I use web3auth only for the “EMAIL_PASSWORDLESS” connection.

When I use the SDK on a web version, instead of opening a modal waiting for the mail verification, the sdk opens a new window, making the initial window obsolete because after opening the window, the redirection is propagated in the new window (Knowing that there is only the idToken which is returned in parameter to the redirection URL).

Here is an implementation of the code:

const web3auth = new Web3Auth(WebBrowser, {

const state = await web3auth.login({
                loginProvider: LOGIN_PROVIDER.EMAIL_PASSWORDLESS,
                redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
                client_id: clientId,
                extraLoginOptions: {
                    login_hint: '',

On React-Native, “state” waits for a callback and returns the object containing the user’s information (privKey, …); on Web, state waits forever and never retrieves the information.

Is there an implementation for the web version possible from the react-native sdk?