Redirect to app after login

I am using the custom authentication and an aggregate verifier with firebase and have been getting this issue after the keys are constructed

It asks if it should redirect back to the app whereas by default it should as I’ve mentioned a resolvedRedirectUrl which I even tested and works but not sure this still comes up.

I’ve used redirect uri,

  1. ${appScheme}://openlogin
  2. ${appScheme}://auth
  3. ${appScheme}://welcome (actual page in the app)

still I get this redirect to app button

cc @shahbaz

Hey @devesh.b

Can you try running or app? and see if it’s reproducible?

Also, could you share which version of the SDK you are using? and web3auth initialization and login code snippets

Here’s the snippet of web3auth initialization

Using @web3auth/react-native-sdk v3.3.0

and followed this doc for integration before using aggregate verifier it was redirecting fine but since I integrated aggregated verifier it started prompting me for redirecting to the app, any idea why is this happening? have also checked if my scheme is correct or not using deep links and it works but redirect link through web3auth isn’t working for some weird reason

cc @shahbaz

Can you share a sample id_token?

Also, please add isVerifierIdCaseSensitive: false to the extraLoginOptions object. And pass your web3auth clientId in your jwt object inside loginConfig.

          jwt: {
            verifier: "assetmoney-unicorn-main",
            verifierSubIdentifier: "assetmoney-unicorn-main-firebase",
            typeOfLogin: "jwt",

Hey @devesh.b

Any update here?

Meanwhile, have you added your appScheme to the <rn-project>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml?

It will look like these:

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

            <data android:scheme="appScheme" /> 

here’s a sample idToken - eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IlRZT2dnXy01RU9FYmxhWS1WVlJZcVZhREFncHRuZktWNDUzNU1aUEMwdzAifQ.eyJpYXQiOjE2Nzk0MTQ4NjksImF1ZCI6IkJLYUdIUzV4aDBJZFo2R1RrUkdzVEVlOW5DWTFLNmFsblhKZ21QUl9OZFIyM3pVZl9nc2Ftell3NzlGMWd3X2pXdkR4eGRZOE1jQV9LT05sQ18xYnRadyIsIm5vbmNlIjoiMDI5OWVlMDg4ZjZkYjJiOTA4Yzc3NjQ4MjVkOTZhNmRmNjNhYmJmYzAzN2U3ODVmZmI2YWQ2N2QyZDI3YjkxYTk1IiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkub3BlbmxvZ2luLmNvbSIsIndhbGxldHMiOlt7InB1YmxpY19rZXkiOiIwMmUzZGQ1M2YxNjYzNWNhYTNkMmNiNmQ3N2NlN2QwY2I4YzcyNzMwMTU0NWJiNDZhYzFjNzBkMTZjMjk3ZDk1MjIiLCJ0eXBlIjoid2ViM2F1dGhfYXBwX2tleSIsImN1cnZlIjoic2VjcDI1NmsxIn1dLCJlbWFpbCI6ImRldmVzaC5iQGRydW13b3Jrcy5jbyIsIm5hbWUiOiJEZXZlc2ggQiIsInByb2ZpbGVJbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbGgzLmdvb2dsZXVzZXJjb250ZW50LmNvbS9hL0FHTm15eFptUXBEc21xcWJuN25jX3d0SThndnhLZUgzVWZRaVlzcnFHZ00zPXM5Ni1jIiwidmVyaWZpZXIiOiJhc3NldG1vbmV5LXVuaWNvcm4tbWFpbi1maXJlYmFzZSIsInZlcmlmaWVySWQiOiJkZXZlc2guYkBkcnVtd29ya3MuY28iLCJhZ2dyZWdhdGVWZXJpZmllciI6ImFzc2V0bW9uZXktdW5pY29ybi1tYWluIiwiZXhwIjoxNjc5NTAxMjY5fQ.BOGiMXjo0AK211U2aEseCxbqseAvGxkYPYi2OFmYMadi8b2qZvCRMikU45Pw04RlgMr1sVAxpKzqmndiLKk-qw

yess have added in manifest file too but it sometimes shows redirect to app and sometimes doesn’t

Having same issue on android (built from RN) on iOS working fine
android package name is “com.popooapp”

added <data android:scheme="popapp" /> in AndroidManifest.xml
resolvedRedirectUrl = popapp://openlogin

tried all these too (no success)
neither redirecting automatically nor on clicking redirect button


add android:host="*"

     <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
     <data android:host="*" android:scheme="<-schema->"/>
// this can be used to modify AndroidManifest.xml
// and add host later
"npx uri-scheme add <-schema-> --android"

// verify / check with this 
"npx uri-scheme open <-schema->://openlogin --android "

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