Sapphire Mainnet type is missing from TORUS_NETWORK

I want to use Sapphire Mainnet which is available on the dashboard for custom auth, but the constant i see available is:

export declare const TORUS_NETWORK: {
readonly TESTNET: “testnet”;
readonly MAINNET: “mainnet”;
readonly CYAN: “cyan”;
readonly AQUA: “aqua”;
readonly CELESTE: “celeste”;

Not sure what package you are using but I was able to find the following:

export declare const TORUS_NETWORK: {
    readonly SAPPHIRE_DEVNET: "sapphire_devnet";
    readonly SAPPHIRE_TESTNET: "sapphire_testnet";
    readonly SAPPHIRE_MAINNET: "sapphire_mainnet";
    readonly MAINNET: "mainnet";
    readonly TESTNET: "testnet";
    readonly CYAN: "cyan";
    readonly AQUA: "aqua";
    readonly CELESTE: "celeste";

sapphire_mainnet and sapphire_testnet are not supported in Native Mobile SDK

For single-factor-auth package 6.0.2, appears to be using TORUS_LEGACY_NETWORK_TYPE under Web3AuthOptions, there is no sapphire option with that type

If I modify the package to use the non-legacy type, I then get 405’s from the Sapphire endpoints


export interface Web3AuthOptions {
     * Client id for web3auth.
     * You can obtain your client id from the web3auth developer dashboard.
     * You can set any random string for this on localhost.
    clientId: string;
     * custom chain configuration for chainNamespace
     * @defaultValue mainnet config of provided chainNamespace
    chainConfig: Partial<CustomChainConfig> & Pick<CustomChainConfig, "chainNamespace">;
     * Web3Auth Network to use for login
     * @defaultValue mainnet
    web3AuthNetwork?: TORUS_LEGACY_NETWORK_TYPE;

Hello everyone…
We’re gradually rolling out support for sapphire network across our SDKs in phases.
Right now, only Core Kit and SFA web sdks support sapphire.
CoreKit Mobile SDKs would support these networks by 20 June.
Plug and Play support is expected to come by early July.

We also have a auto-migration strategy for customers of existing networks to sapphire. More details on this will be shared in coming weeks.

If you’re starting a new project on CoreKit/SFA, pls choose sapphire mainnet for the best possible experience.

Thanks for you patience and continued support.


Does the tKey SDK and tKey MPC SDK currently support sapphire, or are there any plans to support it? I noticed that the TORUS_NETWORK includes sapphire_devnet , but when I tried to use it, I received a error with POST 405 .

We’re using SFA web sdk and cannot connect to Sapphire. We cannot connect to any of the Sapphire networks, been trying now for almost a week


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I have the same for me

Any reply from Web3Auth on this?

Same issue when using SFA web sdk

Hey there, sorry you’re facing issues.

Could we get more details to help you here:

  • Is this with sapphire_devnet/sapphire_mainnet
  • Which region are you calling from, sapphire exists in 4 regions US, South America, Europe, Asia.
  • SDK version
  • Using sapphire_devnet
  • Calling from Asia
  • @web3auth/single-factor-auth”: “^6.2.1”

But the problem is not about the setting on developer dashboard. The problem happens with initializing web3Auth using “@web3auth/single-factor-auth”. The parameter web3AuthOption supports legacy network, instead of sapphire_devnet/sapphire_mainnet.