Screen doesn't update from "Please do not reload page"

Hello, I’m trying to run a no-modal quick start with LIFF (LINE Frontend Framework).
I can log in successfully and it works perfectly in Chrome, but when I access it as a LIFF browser on LINE, the attachment screen just stays loading and there is no callback to the original quick start application.
What could be the problem?

using versions: Changes: ClientId, mainnet to devnet, Change loginProvider to line Remarks: Liff's URL is registered in the whitelist. I can also confirm that the project is from devnet.

Screen doesn’t update from “Please do not reload page”

Hey, welcome onboard. Thanks for the details, can you also share any additional configuration you have done for LIFF? We’ll have a look, and update you as soon as possible.

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All I’m doing is adding this initialize to useEffect.

          liffId: import.meta.env.VITE_LIFF_ID
        .then(() => {
          setMessage("LIFF init succeeded.");
        .catch((e: Error) => {
          setMessage("LIFF init failed.");

liff version: 2.23.2

We don’t officially support the LIFF, can you share the repo so we can debug and help you resolve?

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Since LIFF does not support cross-browser messaging via popup, changing ‘uxMode’ to redirect resolved this issue.
Thank you for your support. I hope this FAQ helps someone.

Awesome, thanks for letting us know.

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